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Grand Turk Current Weather


Providenciales Current Weather


South Caicos Current Weather


The Turks and Caicos Islands generally experience pleasant and consistent weather throughout the year.

Compared to northern countries such as the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, there’s far less of a distinction in seasons here.

May to October are considered the “hot” months, and November to April are the “cool” months. Although the average monthly variation between the “hot” and “cool” months is only about 10° F, this difference is definitely noticeable. Depending on personal preference, some may find that activities such as cycling, hiking and exploring historical sites may be a bit too exhausting during the height of summer.

The winter “cool season” months tend to see the greater number of tourist arrivals.

Excepting the occasional passing of a storm, the weather and conditions for activities on and in the water is typically excellent throughout the year.